In this article, I’ll talk about how a virtual business expo can help your organization. This also applies to multi-day conferences, boot camps, and summits.

What Is A Virtual Business Expo?

Our business climate has changed. Even when we are able to go back to face-to-face events, business professionals learned how efficient virtual meetings can be. Some people will tell you they are tired of virtual meetings. That only means they are not engaged with the content. By using a true conference platform, you add context to your events and engage the participants like never before. This is not just a single video meeting with break out rooms.

What Is A Virtual Business Expo?

Let’s define what a virtual business expo (or boot camp, conference, or summit) actually is. These virtual platforms simply provide an electronic representation of a physical venue, such as a convention center. The size can be from small and intimate to large and grand. Because they only live inside a computer, they can scale to exactly the right size for your event.

All the separate areas exist that you would expect at a live event. Rooms exist for registration, vendor booths, webinars, multiple concurrent round table discussions, networking lounges, and more.

Similar to a live business expo or conference, you feature chamber members in their own booths, making them visible throughout the event.  If you choose to sell booth space at different tiers, charge more for non-members to participate. We discuss how your chamber can benefit from these types of events in a moment.

A virtual event platform is more than just a single video conference call with break out rooms.  Each vendor links their own video conference account to their booth.  Whether they are using zoom, Skype, hangouts, webex, gotomeeting, or any other video chat platform.  The attendees of the conference approach a vendor booth. They choose to “chat live” with the business representative.  At that point, the attendee is entering the business’s live video account, not just a break out room of your chamber’s zoom account.

Attendees gather electronic content as they visit various rooms (brochure racks, on-demand video, etc) and those items are stored in their “goody bag”.   At the end of the day, the attendees receive an email with links to all the brochures, documents, and video content they “touched” during the event.  The vendors receive contact information of everyone that “touched” their brochure rack, watched their webinar, etc.  Lastly, the event organizer receives usage statistics about the event.

So you can see, video conferencing software provides more context and meaning to an event. You cannot achieve all this with a single video chat account. Even breakout rooms fall short.

Let’s take a closer look at how we organized the virtual business expo platform and why this is so much different than simple break out rooms.

The Rooms Inside A Virtual Platform

How Your Chamber Benefits With A Virtual Business Expo

Since most organizations are forced to cancel their normal face-to-face annual events, they’ve also lost the revenue those events would normally generate for the organization.  This virtual platform gives you a chance to reclaim that lost revenue in a unique way.

Consider these benefits to your organization, as well as for your members and the community at large when you host a virtual business event on a platform like ours:

Next Steps

Learn more about the Virtual Business Expo platform.  See if your organization can benefit from using this powerful new tool. Please review your calendar and schedule a good time to talk by visiting our calendar. Call 530-424-8665

Remain relevant, be a catalyst for growth, provide the needed connections throughout the business community, and champion your members.  Do all of this while improving your cash flow in the process.

About Tom Argiro – Owner of HBG Consulting LLC and Executive Director of the North Phoenix Chamber of Commerce. Tom understands the pain points chamber leaders experience with membership engagement, retention, new member growth, and generating revenue outside of membership dues. Mr. Argiro comes to chamber leadership with a unique background as a software engineer for over 30 years in fortune 100 companies. Combining knowledge from both fields gives Mr. Argiro the ability to develop needed solutions for the problems chamber leaders face.